Saturday, October 23, 2010

Well I had an amazing weekend!! Oh Friday I got off of work early and got on the train and went down to the White Sox game!! It was vs. the Yankees!! And yea we won! It was a fun game I am learning so much about baseball now it is kinda fun. On Saturday I got to sleep in a little I woke up a few times to the kids up stairs banging on the floor. But I did not get to sleep much. Becky came down stairs and brought me baby bev so she could take her nap with me. Everyone else was helping set up for bens birthday party. When she woke up I made lunch for the kids and got ready for my concert then helped with the party! They had a tie die station so you could do your own shirt!! I did my own and it turned out really good! Chris came and picked me up and we went to the Rascal Flatts concert!! My favorite band by the way incase you did not know! Well we got there but we had not bought tickets yet we were just going to get lawn seats so it was not that big of deal. And there were a bunch of people selling extra tickets so instead of paying $30 for a ticket we paid $10! It was awesome!! :0) then we get inside and the lawn was already covered with people we got there to late and they were selling upgraded tickets for only $10 more. So we bought those! We had good seats. Not ast good as Tim McGraw but still good. The only bad thing was there was this giant man standing in front of me and I could not see the stage! I hate being short! So I was on my toes for most of the night my calves hurt so bad! There were a few songs that everyone was sitting down and I could see. It was the best concert I have ever been too. Even better then last year when I saw them in Hershey PA! The lights were amazing they had some really cool effects I don’t know how to explain it but it was really cool! Well we got out of the parking lot a lot sooner then last time.. Last time it took over a hour! Ugh! But this time only 15 min not to bad! Got home and went to bed!! Sunday I woke up at 6:30am to get ready for stake conf. We had a special YSA meeting at 8:30am and it takes 35 min to get to church and we were asked to be there 15 min early. How long do you have to drive to get to church? Well it was really good I am glad I went we had 2 Brothers from the Quorum of the seventy there. Our meeting lasted a hour then everyone else joined us at 10 for stake conf. It was just as good. After we had donuts as a YSA we love food!! Lol!! Then I went back home and got ready for the Carrie Underwood concert. I went with the family I work for. Then invited me and Chris came along too! It was good but we got there to late and we did not get that good of seats. Now we got lawn seats but it was at a different place and you cant even see the stage from there. It kinda sucked but it was fun hanging out with the kids. I kinda go to see her. Chris let me go on his back so I was tall enough to see over the crowd of people and I saw her! Then we came home once it was over and I went to bed!! Long weekend! And the week so far has been ok. I finished the Book of Mormon in less then 2 months.!! yea for me!! The RS challenged us to read it by Sept 1st and I did it!! I have learned so much I cant wait to read it again. Well Bev was walking around with my ipod touch and... one of the kids left the bathroom door open... and yea can you guess what happened next!! Yea she was playing with my ipod in the toilet! Ugh.. So far it does not work I put it in rice but I think it is a goner! I am going to take it in to the apple store this weekend and see what they can do if they can do anything.

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