Last Saturday was fun cause I had my own car and I did not have to ask if I could use the car. Weekends are the hardest to get to use there car cause they need both there cars. So it was fun doing my own thing this past weekend. So I took Chris bowling and then I did Amanda Peterson’s hair for her Mormon Prom. It is all the LDS kids 16 and up go to a prom 8 stakes go. Her hair turned out cute. Saturday night a few girls and I decided that we wanted to put a group date together. So we asked some boys and had our group date! We made personal pizzas then did a scavenger hunt at the mall it was fun and out going. My date and I won we finished first. Then we had brownies and watched a movie. It was fun I got to know everyone a little more. On Sunday after church we had a linger longer at our branch presidents house. It was pot luck and so everyone brought a dish then we watched the CES fireside it was fun. On Monday Lizzy my 5 year old went to Key West, FL for 3 weeks with her grandma so I only have the 3 of my kids home with me. So it was just Bev and I during the day and the kids at night. It was nice. Well on Thursday I called USU to ask how my admission was going and it looks like I have to retake the ACT test. When I went to SUU I took the residual test not the national one. So my results have to stay at SUU. So I have to retake it. :( I looked online when the next test is and it is on April 9th and the last day to sign up was Friday so it was a good thing I called to see. I have been stressing out on this test and I am not excited about it 3 weeks to study. Well Friday was the beginning of spring break for my kids. It has been really nice weather here in the lower 60 so the kids have been playing outside a lot.i took my kids to the Aquarium. my friend Rachel came with me to help out! we had a blast. The Petersons met up with us there so it was fun to see them there. after we went to the Hard Rock Cafe and had a bite to eat!
Friday night I was in charge or putting together a surprise party for Ana she is a girl in the branch. It was fun we had a really good turn out. It was at our branch presidents house. They have a really big house with a pool table and tv in there basement so it was fun!!
Saturday morning I started studying for the ACT test and decided I could not do it by myself so I went to the library to get some books to help me. Turns out they have some really good books to help out. I decided to take a break and play volleyball to get some of my frustration out. It was fun after that a few friends and I went to our friend David’s house it was his birthday and he wanted to watch UFC fighting. So that is what we did, we ordered pizza and watched fighting. There was a lot of blood lol!! It reminded me of Uncle Mark when I was little he would watch it.

Sunday was invitation Sunday so you could bring a friend that did not know about our church and the lessons and everything was really basic. We had a few people come so that was fun! After a few friends and I played ticket to ride at David’s house, we love that game. Then I went over to the Peterson’s family ward for there linger longer. They had food and I wanted to see if there were any singles I could get to come to the singles ward. Then I went back to there house and studied. Lori (the mom) is super smart and she helped me in math for 3 1/2 hours! Then we read scriptures as a family and I went home. I feel a lot better now about some of the math now. Well today Ben and Carolyn went downtown to there grandparents house while Becky is at work then they are going out to dinner and stuff. So today it is just me and Beverly. She is growing up so fast! It is crazy! Well I better get back to studying!!